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Stop burying your head in the sand. ‘The Factory’ is where Uncommon Founders & Startups are produced to hold on to what they seek to gain. Hint: It’s two different things.

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Where We Sit Now.

In the relentless (and often never ending) race to the top, most founders lose sight of what truly defines a “leader”, ultimately deeming them unfit for the task at hand.

Yeah, the truth is, most founders are set up to fail.

They look to external factors and metrics to gauge where they’re at, rather than looking in.

Sure, you might have the vision, the passion, the drive, the business acumen… but without the right foundation, without the right collective focus hierarchy, without the right daily structures in place, without the right personal evolution, without true directional certainty, your journey to CEO WILL BE riddled with unseen challenges, pitfalls, struggles, and oppositions.

The truth is, it will be regardless, but the real question is: Will you be prepared?

The Factory is your gateway to not just becoming a “CEO”, but an Uncommon CEO — one who stands out, leads with conviction, creates a lasting impact, and is prepared for the call.

One who is always ready for the test.

One who “enters by the narrow gate”.

Who treads the road less traveled.

Who takes the daily action that must be taken to step into who they’re required to be to hold on to what they seek to gain.

This is more than just another leadership program or business mastermind; it's the transformative arena where visionary founders are shaped and molded into the leaders they’re required to be to hold on to the blessing that is ultimately theirs.

Where self proclaimed CEO’s build an undeniable stack of proof that they are who they say they are.

Where the husbands, wives, brothers, co-founders, best friends, sons, and daughters who are held responsible against numerous roles throughout their lives, each just as important as the next, are able to build the foundations of their lives upon solid rock.

Because you’re called to so much more than mediocrity.